Best Before January 19, 2014

Best Before January 19, 2014

By Alicia Morris


Look at me, I’m twenty-three

When I wasn’t suppose to live past eighteen

Troubled years gave me fear

That I would never live to see maturity

Shrieking fights and sleepless nights

Made me believe that life was just cruel

Short term plan that all began

In the dead of winter on January nineteenth

A baby girl dressed in pearls

Who was destined for a cocktail of imbalances

Serotonin was unknown in

The fragile body of that growing little girl

Unreasonable distress she did possess

That her kept up until the witching hour nightly

Malicious peers gave her tears

In the perplexing period of junior high

Sadistic boys made a toy

Out of the blossoming body of that girl

But don’t you see that girl is me

That lived the life that was described

Expiration plan that had began

Around the middle of my freshman year

Bottle of pills that would kill

The torment that was gifted to me as life

You can clearly see that it wasn’t to be

For me to grow into a prosperous adult

So who would have guessed that I would be stressed

With medical bills and other adulting

But here I am taking an exam

For my math placement in college

So please believe that you can achieve

A life that you want to stay alive for

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