Making the Grade

Making the Grade

By: Alicia Morris
Failure is my middle name
For I can never do things right
Family fights will always remind me
Feelings of inadequacy always stay
Following me through every class
Fear I’ll never break this curse
Don’t know why I fail so much
Dark cloud hangs above my head
Daydreaming in class, I can’t focus
Dealing with the anxiety of an F
Dad would be so mad if I fail more
Darkest days are with this grade
Can’t seem to get it together
Caving under the pressure to be perfect
Casted away, I’m all alone
Could it be I’ll never be a good kid
Calm outside, inside I’m fighting demons
Cruel world labeling me with a letter
Better than I could be
But still not enough
Believe I can do much more
Because I’ve done it in the past
Barely making a good impression
Bobbing above the surface of failure
Always striving for one-hundred-percent
Adore the attention and congrats
Attaining this perfection feels amazing
Appear to be doing well in everything
Afraid I’ll slip through cracks again
Anxiety will never leave even if I’m good

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