Our Secret

Our Secret

By A.M.Morais


Only a year older than me

But you know as much as a grown up

You taught me things I didn’t know

You said it’s okay, it’s a good thing

Only a year older than me

But your body was much more developed

Budding breasts and hair in all kinds of places

I was still a bare skinned child playing pretend

Only a year older than me

And you told me this is how grown ups kiss

Shoved your tongue into my mouth

Made my stomach do a million flips

Only a year older than me

But I was only eight years old

I never wanted your kiss

Nevertheless you continued the lesson

Only a year older than me

And you began to remove our clothes

I told you we’d certainly get in trouble

You told me that it could be our secret

Only a year older than me

You told me to kiss you in certain places

Places I had been told were private

You told me this is what grown ups do

Only a year older than me

So I complied to everything you requested

Afraid to make you mad or upset

You had already made me lose friends

Only a year older than me

No one thought our sleepover together

Would be completely x-rated

Especially since we were just little girls

Only a year older than me

But you still assaulted me anyways

I don’t know who taught those things

But I wish you’d never shared them with me

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