2020 Writing Update

After a long, much needed break from blogging, I’m back at it. As I said in January, I’m making this the year of writing for myself. And although I haven’t written as much as I had intended, I have taken the time to make sure I write more often than I ever have before. I’ve taken a break from blogging mostly because I was unsure of what direction I wanted to take with my writing, but after thinking about it for a while, I believe blogging is still in my writing future.

In the long scheme of things, I would like to make writing my career in one shape or form. Currently I am pursuing a bachelors degree in professional and creative writing. I’m hoping through the classes I will take in the next few years, I’ll be able to settle on more solid direction I want to go. In the meantime, I also know that I’m very interested in writing a memoir on my experiences with sexual assault and post-traumatic stress disorder. I’ve mulled over how to start on that (it seems so daunting!) and I decided to just start out with blogging more about my experiences first.

A big problem with writing about my experiences with sexual assault and PTSD is that it can (and does) trigger my PTSD symptoms. The thought of having my darkest moments on paper for the world to read is a little scary, but I also feel that maybe it could help me heal more. Which that may sound weird, but if my experiences can help just one person feel less alone in their experiences or help someone understand sexual assault survivors a little bit better, that would honestly warm my heart. What happened to me was absolutely terrible, but I’d love to make something positive out of it if I can. I also think writing my experiences out could help me feel like they’re less of a “secret” I have to hide from the world and that could be a weight lifted from my shoulders. But regardless, I’m going to start with blogging first to test the waters and make sure I don’t overwhelm myself.

Then the next reason it’s taken me so long was figuring out whether or not I needed to create a second blog to write about the experiences specifically or just change the direction of this blog since my following is still pretty small. It took me a long time deciding on this, but I think I’ll just keep this one blog because it’s a lot less daunting than starting a whole new one! I started to create a second blog, but coming up a with a decent name was damn near impossible and I honestly don’t think the effort would be worth it. I like this blog, I like this blog name, I’m sticking with it.

So if you’ve sticked with me this long, thank you for taking time to read my little life update. 🙂 If reading more about my experiences with PTSD and sexual assault interests you, I hope you chose to follow my blog. I’m hoping that this is next step towards my goals as a writer and I’m very excited to see what it will bring!

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