
Source: Facebook If you follow me on Facebook, you probably saw that yesterday I shared the photo above. It’s really powerful image for me and it really got me thinking about how guilty I still feel for not reporting my sexual assault and how angry I am that I will probably never be able to... Continue Reading →

How I Began to Heal

If there's one truth I've learned about healing from trauma, it's that every single person's healing process is different and unique. I know for some people, talking about their trauma is too much. It's like forcibly grinding salt in a fresh wound. But not for me. Telling my story gave me power. It made my... Continue Reading →

2020 Writing Update

After a long, much needed break from blogging, I’m back at it. As I said in January, I’m making this the year of writing for myself. And although I haven’t written as much as I had intended, I have taken the time to make sure I write more often than I ever have before. I’ve... Continue Reading →

Living With PTSD

 My heart pounds so loud that it overloads my already racing thoughts - every sound, touch, smell and sight is amplified into a confusing mess. I'm desperately looking for an exit - a way out of this hell - as this weight presses harder and harder onto my chest. My diaphragm rapidly pulls air in... Continue Reading →

Are All Evil-Doers Evil?

Weird question, I know. But it's been nagging at my brain. Is everyone who has done an evil deed an inherently evil person? Is one act of evil okay? Where's the line of a "good person who made a mistake" and an truly evil person? And who decides? In my case, I've previously regarded my... Continue Reading →


Sovereignty By A.M.Morais I’m not your prisoner any longer Your unforgiving grip around my throat No longer steals the oxygen from my brain Your silky smooth talking blindfold No longer pins me down to your wishes Your razor sharp serpent tongue No longer shreds my soul to pieces Your energy siphoning dark aura No longer... Continue Reading →

How Does Time Heal?

I've been told, "Time heals all," but does it really? How many years does it take to heal a completely shattered being? When every inch of your soul has been pulverize into dusty ground? Because, for me, it's been eight long years and that pain still hurts. It still creeps up through my feet, puts... Continue Reading →

The Year of Me: April Update

So, here we are in April - four months into my "year of me" and I felt you all needed an update. I also feel updates will help me hold myself accountable for my progress. So, to begin, I have definitely fallen off the band wagon resulting in (or maybe because of?) a miserable April.... Continue Reading →

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