The Letter I Needed

Dear 15 year old me, Halfway through your first year of high school. One of the four years you were told would be "the days of your life". I know you're thinking, "If these are the best days then I sure as hell don't want to see the worst". I know how badly your hurting.... Continue Reading →

The Summer That Left Me Scarred

Obnoxiously singing Disney songs into a plastic Wii microphone with my cousin after finishing Stepbrothers for 800th time was the highlight of the summer of 2010 for me. My cousin, who lived thousands of miles away from me, was living with me for a whole month out of the summer just for fun. And, oh boy, did we make the most out of it.

Our Secret

Our Secret By A.M.Morais . Only a year older than me But you know as much as a grown up You taught me things I didn’t know You said it’s okay, it’s a good thing Only a year older than me But your body was much more developed Budding breasts and hair in all kinds... Continue Reading →

The Importance of SAAM: My Story

As a victim of sexual assault myself, Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) has always had a important place in my heart. Now that I'm a mother, it holds an even bigger place in my heart. The National Sexual Violence Research Center (NSVRC) reports, "One in four girls and one in six boys will be sexually abused before they turn 18 years old." With statistics like this, how could I not want to raise awareness to this issue?

Making the Grade

Making the Grade By: Alicia Morris . Failure is my middle name For I can never do things right Family fights will always remind me Feelings of inadequacy always stay Following me through every class Fear I’ll never break this curse . Don’t know why I fail so much Dark cloud hangs above my head... Continue Reading →

Something About Beau

There once was a time when I tried very desperately to drown out my emotional pain in any way I could find. At 15 years old, I participated a wide array of risky behaviors that included cigarettes, drugs, alcohol and boys to desperately erase the trauma of the sexual assaults I had experienced in the prior year. Of course, none of this helped and my entire being cried out in pain - both figuratively and literally. One night though, I desperately researched ways to alleviate my pain and stumbled across the one thing actually turned my life around for the better.

Losing Myself in Treatment

Most of us know an athlete whose sport makes up a majority of who they are. Maybe it's basketball, football, soccer, volleyball, track, or gymnastics, but no matter what the sport is, this person lives for their sport. Now imagine that this person sustains an injury that makes it so they no longer can play their sport ever again. Could you imagine how heart-wrenching and anxiety inducing that could be? Well in a weird type of way, that's how I felt when I sought out treatment for my mental illness.

My Healing was Born

My Healing was Born By A.M.Morais . There’s a feeling that can’t be described It spreads faster than a wildfire in a parched field It’s fills every crevice like helium in a balloon It keeps me alive like the sun does a rose And it follows no matter where I go As good as it... Continue Reading →

This or That?

Do you prefer Coke or Pepsi? Coffee or tea? Chocolate or vanilla? Pancakes or waffles? For me personally, I prefer Pepsi, coffee, vanilla, and waffles. I'm sure many of you will have answers different than mine, but let's move on to my next question. Do you prefer to use medication or no medication to treat mental illness?

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