

By A.M.Morais


Seeping through the seams between reality and fantasy

Smog congests the psyche

Deadened nerves fail to feel the clacking of the keys

Underneath calloused fingertips

The essence of stale dirt lingers in the stagnant air

All is still except for the slow thumping of a heartbeat

Inside a weakened shell of armor

A mirror reveals the impassive face of a hollow-eyed girl

Weathered skin pulled taut over her beautiful bones

Matted hair upon her graceful head

As I levitate over her shoulder, I wonder

Who is this girl in the mirror looking so exquisitely broken?

Reaching for her foreign figure

A realization that this damaged girl is standing in my body

Where am I and who is she?

The emptiness inside screams this is all a dream

But the ache in our chest tells a different story

A brain overwhelmed by panic and fear

Decided to quit and left us here

One vacant body and one misplaced soul

Wandering through life in a chilling abyss

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