Sincerely, A Sexual Assault Survivor

You can’t be a Trump supporter and a supporter of the #MeToo movement. You can’t tell me that “grab her by the p**sy” is just meaningless locker room talk and say you’re an advocate for sexual assault awareness and prevention. You can’t tell me that rape isn’t rape if the woman didn’t fight back with... Continue Reading →


Source: Facebook If you follow me on Facebook, you probably saw that yesterday I shared the photo above. It’s really powerful image for me and it really got me thinking about how guilty I still feel for not reporting my sexual assault and how angry I am that I will probably never be able to... Continue Reading →

How I Began to Heal

If there's one truth I've learned about healing from trauma, it's that every single person's healing process is different and unique. I know for some people, talking about their trauma is too much. It's like forcibly grinding salt in a fresh wound. But not for me. Telling my story gave me power. It made my... Continue Reading →


I’m slowly drowning in a pool full of people and not a single person notices the life slowly slipping from my body. The light in my eyes fading away, the flame in my soul smothered to ashes, and the gears in my mind grinding to a halt. And no one sees me. Am I so... Continue Reading →

Depressed Again

It's official - I'm deep in a depressive episode again. I've dirtied every piece of laundry I own and it's all scattered across every inch of my bedroom. I don't remember the last time I cleaned anything other than a quick "clean" to make it appear I'm still keeping it together. I've cried more nights... Continue Reading →

Social Isolation

I have social anxiety. No, I don't mean "Oh, I get a little nervous talking to new people." No, I mean the soul sucking pit in your stomach anytime you are required to interact with anyone. My palms sweat. My heart races. I get anxious I'll say the wrong thing and look like an idiot... Continue Reading →

Living With PTSD

 My heart pounds so loud that it overloads my already racing thoughts - every sound, touch, smell and sight is amplified into a confusing mess. I'm desperately looking for an exit - a way out of this hell - as this weight presses harder and harder onto my chest. My diaphragm rapidly pulls air in... Continue Reading →

Why Are Men So Scared?

Due to the #MeToo movement, I've seen many the comment that "It is sure a scary time for men in America!" But is it really? If a man hasn't sexually assaulted or harassed someone, they should have nothing to worry about. So do men in America just all sexually assault and harass people? From the... Continue Reading →

The Mean Girl

I'd be lying if I said I was never the "mean" girl. Am I proud of it? Absolutely not. There is no excuse as to why I was the mean girl, but it happened and I want to own up to my wrongdoings. And although there is no excuse and nothing will ever make being... Continue Reading →

My Secret Fear

I have a secret that I make sure no one knows. It's a silly secret. A secret so silly, you might laugh when I tell you what it is. It's silly, but also dreadfully anxiety-inducing for me. It's actually a secret about my greatest anxiety trigger. The trigger that without fail has consumed my life... Continue Reading →

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