Back At It

After a long, long, long break from blogging, I’m finally back at it. Since about February of this year, I had been struggling with various medical problems and keeping up with a blog was just becoming too much. That didn’t stop me from continuing to write though and I’m happy to announce that I have published a book of poetry on Wattpad (check it out here!).

Over these past few months, I’ve also discovered that I have a mast cell autoimmune disorder. Doctors have not figured out whether it’s mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS) or mastocytosis yet, but I’m hoping to get more answers soon. 🤞 In the meantime, I am planning on starting an anti-inflammatory diet to try to manage my symptoms better – I’ll be sure to blog about my results for anyone who is interested.

Finally, my depression and anxiety are back under control. I had been previously written a post (Medication Sensitivity) that talked a little bit about feeling like my antidepressant was no longer working. I was sinking into a depression episode and struggling to get myself out of the rut. Well, turns out my birth control was to blame. I promptly had my Mirena IUD removed and after a hormone detox period that was horrid, I’m finally starting to feel normal again. I’m not sure why I’m so sensitive to hormones, but I am and it sucks.

Anyways, I’m happy to be back at blogging and I hope you all enjoy all of my sincere ramblings that are to come!

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